Tipping Scales: The Story of Lisa Jura

LA Film Festival 2016 selected

My Hero Film Festival 2017 selected

As the Nazis moved into Vienna, young Lisa Jura's life hung in the balance. Her life changed forever when her parents put her on a Kindertransport to England. This is a story of survival and the power of music evocatively told through animation. It was produced by students in the Righteous Conversations Digital Storytelling Workshop during Harvard-Westlake Summer Film 2015. The Righteous Conversations Project is a program of the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. CREDITS: Animators - Justin Binder, Jordan Brown, Ty Goodrich, Ned Jacobs, Ryan Kim, Chloe Kuelbs, Matthew Steiglitz, Caleb Ullendorff, and Savannah Weinstock Producers - Ruah Edelstein, Masha Vasilkovsky Associate Producer - Xochi Maberry-Gaulke Executive Producers - Rachel Fidler, Cheri Gaulke, Samara Hutman

Education Justice - PSA 2017

Scout Film Festival 2019 selected

My Hero Film Festival 2017 selected

All American High School Film Festival 2017 selected

LA Student Film Festival 2018 selected

What Do You Reach For? - PSA 2018

LA Film Festival 2019 selected

When the pressures of school, family, relationships, and life get intense, we all have our ways of coping. A public service announcement about a timely and urgent issue. A production of the Righteous Conversations Project, a collaboration of Holocaust survivors and teens, and Harvard-Westlake Summer Film.

We’re Listening - PSA 2019

Heritage Film Festival 2019 selected